Managing Blood Sugar Is Possible

The risk of diabetes, heart attack, and stroke can increase due to chronic blood sugar spikes. After eating, blood sugar rises high and falls significantly. Conditions develop gradually over time as the body has a more challenging time lowering blood sugar naturally. Managing blood sugar levels to prevent further damage is possible with several lifestyle changes.

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Limit carbs

Sugary and starchy foods can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in some people. Low-carb diets can help prevent blood sugar spikes caused by eating excessive carbohydrates. In the body, carbohydrates are turned into simple sugars that enter the bloodstream. The pancreas releases the insulin hormone to reduce blood sugar levels. A low-carb diet can prevent blood sugar spikes in the first place.

Work up a sweat

A morning or evening walk can help manage blood sugar levels by increasing the cell’s sensitivity to insulin. During exercise, muscle cells can absorb the sugar in the blood to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP), reducing the overall level after a workout. Exercise completed before breakfast tends to have better effects on blood sugar control than a workout after breakfast.

Load up on fiber

Available in insoluble and soluble forms, fiber is an undigestible plant matter. Soluble fiber can help manage blood sugar spikes by reducing carbohydrate absorption in the gut. In water, fiber turns into a gel-like consistency that limits carb intake and prevents dramatic blood sugar spikes. Fiber is available from various sources, including vegetables, nuts, legumes, and fruits. Proper fiber intake can also help people feel fuller, reducing appetite and lowering food intake.

Stay hydrated

When a person is dehydrated, the body produces the vasopressin hormone, signaling the kidneys to hold onto fluid and prevent flushing sugars in urine. Dehydration can also cause the liver to circulate more sugar in the blood. Increased vasopressin levels are associated with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. Individuals can replace soda and sugary drinks with water to manage blood levels.

Keep calm and lower blood sugar

Stress can trigger the fight-or-flight response, causing the body to release stored energy as sugar. Chronic stress can gradually create blood pressure (BP) spikes during anxious or stressful moments or events. Stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation are simple ways to keep stress in check and blood sugar levels down.

Lifestyle changes can lower risk

Eating a low-carb and high-fiber diet, staying hydrated, and regularly exercising can do wonders for blood sugar control. A doctor can create a comprehensive health plan that considers medication interactions and other factors to manage blood sugar and reduce the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.