More Than A Fashion Statement
Some people only keep a handful of shoes in the closet, while other people have enough shoes to rival Imelda Marcos. But footwear is more than just a pretty accessory. The right shoes can provide critical support for people who stand for work all day. And in the reverse, shoes that pinch can do more than lead to sore feet. Conditions like corns, calluses, bunions, and hammertoes can all be created or exacerbated by ill-fitting shoes. Consider the following smart tips when buying the next pair of shoes.

1. Shop after work
Many people don’t know that feet can swell throughout the day. So, a person who buys a shoe in the morning or earlier in the day may find that those same shoes aren’t quite as comfortable in the evening. Shopping in the late afternoon or evening ensures that an individual is picking the correct size fits even after swelling has occurred.
2. Give toes space
Pointy-toed shoes can be beautiful, but the style isn’t good for the toes. If a shoe feels tight in the toe box, the risk is that bursitis or neuromas can form over time, especially if tight shoes are worn frequently. Not to mention, shoes that rub the toes can encourage corns and calluses to form. Often, pointy toes are paired with high heels, which can also create issues within the feet. When worn frequently, high-heeled shoes can shorten the muscles and tendons in the back of the legs. And heels that are too high can lead to low back pain.
3. Don’t forget the support
Whether a person stands all day for work or struggles with foot pain, good support is essential. While flat shoes are better than heels, a shoe that lacks proper support is still harmful in the long run. For example, flip-flops and flats that lack support can shift body mass backward. As a result, the hips and knees are impacted, and people may even experience arch pain. Other common conditions that might arise include tendonitis and issues with the Achilles tendon.
Giving feet a little TLC
While proper support and a shoe that doesn’t pinch are important, people should also ensure that the shoe is comfortable in other ways. For example, awkward seams or materials that rub and irritate the foot can encourage corns and calluses to form. And shoes that are too tall can change the body’s center of mass, leading to back pain and other discomforts throughout the body. Take the time to shop later in the day and pay attention to support and the size of a toe box. These are all essential steps towards protecting the feet and preventing the onset of pain and conditions not just in the feet but throughout the body.