Creating A Realistic Weight Loss Routine
Wanting to lose weight is one of the most common desires for a variety of reasons. The goal is also one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions that people make annually. But sometimes there’s a disconnect between a desire to lose weight and creating an exercise plan that’s realistic and possible to maintain. Consider incorporating the following tips to create an exercise routine that’s sustainable.
1. Be realistic
Someone who’s lived a mostly sedentary lifestyle shouldn’t automatically expect to perform a physically grueling exercise routine on day one. Instead, a smart tip is to ease into longer workouts by incrementally increasing the time spent exercising every day or few days. While most guides recommend starting with 30 minutes of physical activity per day, even a person who strives for consistently achieving 15 minutes of daily activity will see benefits over time.
2. Don’t lift too much too soon
Along the same lines of being realistic, it’s important not to lift too much weight prematurely before the body has acclimated. While soreness should be expected when beginning a new workout routine or increasing weights during exercise, doing too much can cause serious injury and leave a person on the sidelines.
3. Make it a group activity
Some people prefer working out alone. But for other individuals, working out with friends can create what’s known as accountability partners. Having another person to exercise with can keep individuals motivated and prevent slacking off or complete workout abandonment. Ideally, pick a person who has equal motivation levels to ensure both individuals go the distance.
4. Be consistent
Turning a new habit into a behavior takes time. So, the best way to stick with a routine is to try to exercise around the same time of day, every day or every few days, for people who opt for less than seven days of exercise.
5. Talk to a doc before beginning
While all people can benefit from consulting a physician, people that aren’t used to sustained physical activity, have underlying health conditions, or are older should speak with a physician before beginning any workout routine. Getting a physical can alert individuals to any underlying medical conditions and allow for a doctor to offer guidance if certain conditions require a tailored workout routine.
Go get moving!
Embarking on a workout routine can be intimidating at first, but the benefits far outweigh any initial discomfort or confusion people might experience. Along with following the tips listed above, people can track fitness activities and goals accomplished or even join in with fitness groups to create a collaborative and supportive environment which makes achieving goals easier and more fun. For more tips on starting an exercise routine, speak with a healthcare provider.