Quit Smoking To Get Back Your Life
Nicotine addiction makes quitting smoking a seemingly impossible challenge. Fortunately, millions of people have quit smoking using practical tips to stay motivated, committed, and successful throughout the process. Deciding to quit smoking is easy, but sticking to the promise and hoping for a better future isn’t as straightforward. Smokers can use various tips to make quitting easier.

1. Start a countdown
While quitting cold turkey can be one way to go, smokers can mentally prepare to quit smoking by setting a date for smoking cessation. Set the day far enough to prepare, but short enough to retain the original inspiration and conviction. Smokers can choose to quit suddenly or gradually reduce nicotine intake up until the last day of smoking. Each method provides comparable quit rates.
2. Use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
Nicotine dependence can elicit intense withdrawal symptoms that can make quitting unbearably difficult. Smokers can use a variety of NRTs such as skin patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, or nasal sprays to reduce cravings and other withdrawal symptoms. Some medications require prescriptions. NRTs provide a low and precise dose of nicotine to wean the body and avoid harmful chemicals found in tobacco.
3. Ask for help
Quitting smoking doesn’t have to be handled alone. Smokers can seek support from friends and family, quitlines, smoking counselors, or self-help books. Individual counseling can provide the most personalized support, but phone or online services can also increase quit rates in smokers hoping to quit. Smokers can reach out to the National Cancer Institute for a wide range of support services.
4. Take care of yourself
Cravings and withdrawal symptoms such as mood changes, headaches, and trouble focusing can be alleviated with various self-care activities such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, connecting with friends, and even alternative therapies. Smokers have reduced withdrawal symptoms using therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy, yoga, meditation, and hypnosis.
5. Avoid triggers
Smokers should avoid triggers that would increase the likelihood of relapse. Drinking alcohol can make smoking appear more alluring. Smokers can dispose of all tobacco and related paraphernalia. Situations usually associated with smoking can be replaced with healthier activities to reduce even the thought of smoking.
A lifelong journey
Nicotine addiction can ravage a life, but quitting can reverse the damage. Inconsistent or difficult journies should not deter smokers. Instead, be rewarded for attempting to regain control. Staying positive and motivated is an active process that requires self-discipline and strong social support. All the hard work pays off with a smoke-free life. For more resources on quitting smoking, speak with a healthcare provider.