Too Healthy For A Doctor Visit

Life is busy, and for many people who are relatively healthy, young or old, a visit to the doctor can feel like an unnecessary burden. However, routine checkups are essential for identifying health problems and managing ongoing conditions. Rescheduling any annual visits that have been missed can help adults and children prevent disease and stay as healthy as possible.


Controlling hypertension

Nearly half of all adults in the US have hypertension or high blood pressure, and only about 1 in 4 have the condition under control. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can damage the arteries, heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes. Since most people don't have a blood pressure monitor at home, the best place to check this measurement is at the doctor's office. If the healthcare provider determines the reading is too high, a few approaches can be taken. Lifestyle changes such as decreasing weight, increasing exercise, eating a healthy diet, and lowering stress can help. If needed, medications can also be prescribed.

Get up to date with immunizations

Vaccinations teach the immune system how to fight off infections and prevent disease. Although many vaccines are given in childhood, adults must also stay current with immunizations. The annual flu shot, pneumonia, tetanus, and shingles vaccines may be necessary. The annual visit is a great time to review immunization history and receive any necessary vaccines.

Time for blood work

Getting blood drawn is never fun, but bloodwork can provide important health information. At a yearly visit, the doctor can order tests that look for elevated cholesterol and glucose levels, anemia, abnormal thyroid status, and many infections. Based on the bloodwork results, actions can be taken to prevent problems from worsening, and medications can be started to manage health conditions if necessary.

Screen for health problems

The annual visit is a great time to have many necessary screenings done. Mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, are common but can be challenging to diagnose. A healthcare provider can administer screening tests and hear from the patient directly about any struggles experienced lately. For women over 40, a mammogram is another critical screening tool to look for breast cancer.

Get scheduled now

Putting off an annual exam can happen, but the appointment should be rescheduled at the earliest convenience. A yearly visit can ensure patients are up to date with vaccinations, screen for significant health problems, and help manage hypertension. Routine blood work can identify many issues so preventative actions can be taken or treatment started. With an appointment on the calendar, good health can remain a priority.